The Gift Bag that keeps on giving …

I have been busily stitching reusable gift bags and tags. So this Xmas (and all other occasions you get out the wrapping paper and cellotape) pop your gifts in a beautiful fabric bag tied up with gorgeous ribbon. Then write in pencil on the wooden tag (made from plywood offcuts and hand cut by little old me) and attach it to the ribbon. Pop inside the bag the accompanying poem (see below to read) which explains that this is a gift bag that keeps on giving.

Can you imagine a Xmas, birthday or anniversary with your gifts in gorgeous recycled, reused fabric bags and you doing you little bit to reduce impact on our planet?

I’m taking orders … range of different size bags and 4 wooden tags for just £4 each or £15 for a set of four!

Who would like some?

Poem left on a card inside each bag says …

If you keep this pretty fabric bag

And erase the pencil on the wooden tag

You can pass it on without misgiving

And make it the gift bag that keeps on giving …

#recycle #reuse #reduce

Golden Cushion …

For me, the most difficult part of sewing is when I have the scissors in my hand and the pristine fabric in front of me. I guess it’s like looking at a blank sheet of paper for a writer. However, once that scissors slides into the fabric and my creativity kicks in, all feels good and away I go. When the fabric is a special piece of clothing then that first cut is even tougher. I was recently commissioned to create a unique and wonderful memory cushion from a shirt worn to the Golden Wedding celebrations of a beautiful couple. The shirt means a lot to his wife and knowing that she trusted me with this task means a lot to me. John loved his wife, life and music, and I really think this gorgeous memory cushion captures it all. ❤️

Hunny Bunny …

What a brilliant day I had helping a holidaymaker find her sewing mojo. The lovely holidaymaker had done some basic sewing in the past but really wanted to get back to it. She booked in at The ThreadShed during a week stay nearby. I was very impressed as truly her sewing was sooooo damn neat and tidy. She picked bright and beautiful bunny fabric too and honestly when finished her skirt looked completely fabulous and fitted her beautifully.

I just love to see the finished items leave The ThreadShed and truly the half circle skirt was simply FAB-U-LOUS ❤️

I had such a good time I need to do more really soon … who would like to book in with me?

You’d Better Beware!

I’ve just spent a glorious couple of days walking a teeny bit of the 186 mile Pembrokeshire Coastal path with my Bestie and my God-Daughter! On their last night in glorious South West Wales we took a glass of wine into The ThreadShed and created some pretty cool T-shirts. Their design choices were penguins galore for my God-Daughter and a little tribute to 1970s band Sweet for my glam rock loving Bestie! I absolutely love sharing my gorgeous pink ThreadShed with my customers but sharing it with important people was pretty special! (In fact it was a bit of a Blockbuster!!!😄❤️)

Pointing the Finger …

I simply love how humour helps change perceptions in some life situations. Yesterday we had a fabulous customer at the studio who had a little accident with a carbide cutting blade and unfortunately lost the top of his finger.

A visit to Lee at the studio and the result is a quite wonderful work of art on the top of the remainder of his finger.

I think it’s a brilliantly smiley example of unique and wonderful tattoo art. Just love it!

What do you think?